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The Year Of The Family | Tanner's 2024/2025 Church Program

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page 3page 2As we embrace the next two conference years under the inspiring theme “The Year of the Family: Strengthening Bonds, Serving Together, Worshiping as One,” we are called to prioritize the well-being and unity of our families within the Tanner community. Rooted in the powerful scriptures of Ezekiel 37:1-10, Acts 16:25-26, and 1 Peter 4:7-11, this theme emphasizes ministry, mission, and music as foundational pillars to nurture resilient families that, in turn, strengthen our church. By focusing on education, engagement, empowerment, and excellence, we aim to provide workshops, counseling services, and programs that holistically support the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health of our members and their loved ones. Through Bible studies, church school classes, worship services, and active participation in the myriad activities, ministries, and special events our church offers, every family will experience emotional, mental, and spiritual growth on their Christian journey. Together, guided by the Word of God and united in our mission, we will foster a vibrant and active church family that glories Him across all generations.Message: This passage symbolizes the restoration and revitalization of families. Just as God breathed life into the dry bones, He desires to breathe new life into our family relationships, restoring unity and strength where there was once desolation.37 The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. 2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the oor of the valley, bones that were very dry. 3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! 5 This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. 6 I will attach tendons to you and make esh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 I looked, and tendons and esh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.Ezekiel 37:1-10“The Valley of Dry Bones”KEY FOCUS SCRIPTURES:page 3

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page 5page 425 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors ew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.Acts 16:25-26“Prayer and Praise in Adversity”Message: Paul and Silas demonstrate the power of prayer and worship even in difcult circumstances. Paul and Silas’ prayers and songs not only resulted in their personal freedom but set the foundation for a collective transformation. Their unwavering faith and praise not only lead to their liberation but also inspire those around them. In the same way, united prayer, worship, and mission can break chains and lead to growth within the entire church body. This underscores the importance of maintaining faith and unity within our families through prayer and worship.I Peter 4:7-11“Using Gifts to Serve Others”7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.Message: This scripture encourages us to use our unique gifts to serve one another within the church family. By recognizing and utilizing our talents in mission, ministry, and music, we can collectively strengthen our community and support one another’s growth.Matthew 18:20“Where Two or Three Gather”Message: Emphasizes the presence of God when families and church members come together in unity, reinforcing the importance of communal worship and support.Philippians 4:6-7“Peace Through Prayer”Message: Encourages families to turn to prayer in times of anxiety, fostering a peaceful and supportive home environment.Colossians 3:16-17“Let the Word Dwell”Message: Highlights the role of music and the Word of God in nurturing family bonds and spiritual growth.Supporting Scriptures:page 4

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page 5page 4The pillars of our church theme — Education, Engagement, Empowerment, and Excellence, — are vital to fullling our mission of becoming a spiritually grounded, united, and mission-focused family of faith. Each pillar serves as a cornerstone, shaping how we grow in our relationship with God, support one another, and extend Christ’s love to the world. By emphasizing these foundational principles, we create an intentional framework for strengthening bonds within families, deepening our collective faith, and building a church community where all can thrive and glorify God together.Empowering Families through KnowledgeEducation serves as a vital pillar in our mission to strengthen families and deepen our faith community. By providing members and families with knowledge and practical tools rooted in biblical principles, we empower everyone to navigate life’s challenges and grow spiritually. We will aim to enhance understanding and application of God’s Word in daily living. We will encourage all to participate in the available learning opportunities, knowing that as we grow in wisdom together, we build a stronger, more united church family. As Proverbs 4:7 reminds us, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Join us in this commitment to education, a deeper faith, and a more vibrant community.IMPLEMENTATIONS & STRATEGIES• Workshops and SeminarsOffer educational sessions on parenting, marriage, mental health, church growth, and nancial stewardship.• Church School ClassesProvide classes that cater to different family units, ensuring that both adults and children receive comprehensive spiritual 5

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page 7page 6• Bible StudiesFacilitate family-oriented Bible studies that encourage collective learning and discussion of God’s Word.Building Strong Family ConnectionsEngagement is essential in our journey to create a nurturing and inclusive church community. By fostering deep connections among members and families, we build a supportive environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Through active participation in church activities, fellowship events, and communal worship, we strengthen the bonds that unite us. Engagement encourages us to share our lives with one another, offer mutual support, and grow together in faith. As we invest time and energy into these relationships, we cultivate a sense of belonging that enriches our spiritual lives and empowers us to serve others. We invite all to engage wholeheartedly, knowing that together we can create a vibrant community that reects God’s love and grace.IMPLEMENTATIONS & STRATEGIES• Counseling ServicesProvide access to counseling for families and members facing challenges, ensuring mental and emotional support is available.• Family EventsOrganize events such as family game nights, picnics, and retreats that foster bonding and create lasting memories.• Active ParticipationEncourage families and members to engage in church activities, ensuring that every member feels valued and involved in the church community.• A Welcoming EnvironmentCreate a welcoming environment from the parking lot to Church School to the Church where visitors feel that Tanner can be a place they can call home.Enabling Families to Serve TogetherEmpowerment is a cornerstone of our church’s mission, focusing on enabling members and families to actively participate in God’s work by serving together with love and purpose. This pillar emphasizes the importance of recognizing and nurturing the unique gifts and talents that each individual brings to our community. By empowering one another, we encourage families to unite in service, strengthening their bonds while making a meaningful impact on those around us. Serving together not only enriches our own spiritual lives, but also extends God’s love to others, embodying the spirit of unity and compassion. As Galatians 5:13 reminds us, “Serve one another humbly in love.”We invite everyone to embrace this call to empowerment, stepping forward to use your gifts in ways that glorify God and uplift our community. Together, let’s create a legacy of service that reects our commitment to love and transforms 6

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page 7page 6IMPLEMENTATIONS & STRATEGIES• Mission ProjectsDevelop family-oriented mission projects that allow members and their families to serve the community together, strengthening their bonds through shared purpose.• Ministry InvolvementEmpower members to join various ministries, utilizing their collective talents in mission, ministry, and music to enhance the church’s outreach.• Leadership OpportunitiesProvide leadership roles for members within the church, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the church’s mission.Striving for Excellence in All EndeavorsExcellence is a cornerstone of our mission, calling us to serve God and our community with the utmost dedication and quality. This pillar embodies our commitment to reaching the highest standards in every aspect of church life—be it in worship, ministry, education, or service. By pursuing excellence, we honor God by offering our very best and reect His glory in all we undertake. Serving with excellence means being intentional, diligent, and passionate, knowing that our efforts can inspire others and make a lasting impact. As Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters... It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” We encourage everyone to embrace this pursuit of excellence, understanding that through our wholehearted efforts, we can collectively uplift our church family and advance God’s kingdom with integrity and love.IMPLEMENTATIONS & STRATEGIES• Quality ProgramsEnsure that all workshops, services, and events are delivered with excellence, reecting the church’s commitment to high standards in supporting members and families.• Music & WorshipElevate our worship services with diverse and high-quality musical expressions that resonate with all generations, enhancing the spiritual experience.• Continuous ImprovementRegularly assess and improve our programs and services to better meet the needs of all members and the broader church community.By implementing these comprehensive strategies, we aim to: Nurture Stronger Families and Members, Build a Thriving Church Community, and Unite in Our Shared Mission.When members and families ourish, the church thrives, bringing glory to 7

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page 9page 8WORSHIP AND SPECIAL EVENTS• January 2025: Host a “Praise & Worship Through Dance” worship service.• November 2025: Celebrate Tanner’s 139th Church Anniversary.• Virtual Worship Experiences: Provide virtual Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve worship services via Zoom and Tanner’s website stream.PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH• Annual Prayer Months:• October, December, 40 days during Lent, and August (prior to the annual conference).• Recruit writers to contribute prayers and short devotions for these prayer months.• Corporate Bible Study: Continue hosting Bible study series with the Neighborhood Bible Study Groups.MINISTRY EXPANSION• Latino Ministry: Strengthen and expand the Latino Ministry.• New Ministry Initiatives:• Explore starting a Fitness Ministry, Grief Support Group, and Health & Wellness, & Medical Team (with a focus on Alzheimer’s and Dementia and other general health concerns).• Develop a Prison Ministry as a vital extension of our church’s outreach.• Youth, Young Adults, and Men’s Ministries: Continue to focus on growth and engagement in these areas.We invite every member of our church family to actively participate in achieving the goals set before us. These goals are not just tasks but opportunities to grow in faith, strengthen our bonds, and glorify God through our collective efforts. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Philippians 3:14, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Let us adopt this same spirit of determination, knowing that each step we take fullls a greater purpose for His kingdom. By dedicating ourselves to these objectives, we not only grow individually but also as a united body, working together for God’s glory and the ourishing of our church and 8

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page 9page 8COMMUNITY OUTREACH• Food Distribution: Maintain Tanner’s Food Pantry monthly food distribution efforts through the Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) and Manna – A Ministry of Hope, with volunteer support.• Counseling Services: Offer free family and mental health counseling to Tanner members.FACILITY EXPANSION• Expansion Research: Begin the planning process with the Expansion Research Team (Dr. Judy Berry-Daw, Del-Monte Edwards, Randy Goode, David Hopkins, and Mark Johnson) to evaluate options for facility upgrades:• A wraparound structure in the small parking area outside the kitchen door to improve access.• Enlarged Narthex area, elevators, additional classrooms, and restrooms.• All plans will require approval from the Historic Society of the City of Phoenix.FACILITY UPGRADE• Digital Marquee Sign: The purchase of two (2) digital marquee signs for the church is a vital investment in our facility upgrades, ensuring that our communication remains effective and contemporary. The new marquee signs will serve as a dynamic medium to display announcements, service times, ministry events, and community outreach programs, offering key benets:• Enhanced Communication: Digital marquee signs allows for real-time updates, making it easier to inform members and the broader community about upcoming events, urgent announcements, or schedule changes.• Improved Visibility: With bright, energy-efcient LED lighting, the signs will remain visible day and night, ensuring that our church’s presence is noticed by all who pass by.FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP• Support Conference Claims: Encourage each member to contribute $50 annually toward conference claims.PART-TIME STAFFING• Rehire Deborah Turnbo as a Finance Consultant in 2025.• Hire an Administrative Assistant in 2025.EDUCATION AND TRAINING• Membership Training Video: Develop bilingual (Spanish and English) membership training materials.• Ministry Engagement: Actively engage members to use their talents in kingdom-building efforts and church ministries.SUPPORT FOR CHURCH PROGRAMS• Provide full support for all church programs and events during the 2024–2026 conference years.FACILITY AND TRANSPORTATION• Purchase of a 16-Passenger Van: Allocate funds and begin the process of acquiring a 16-passenger van to enhance the church’s transportation capabilities for ministry, outreach, and 9

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page 11page 10REV. DR. BENJAMIN N. THOMAS SR.Pastor | Senior Minister & CEORev. Sylvia BillsExperience Tanner Ministry Leader, Care Leader - CL #19, NBSG Leader, VBS Primary Class Teacher, Creative Media & Tech DirectorRepresentative Rev. Quantá CrewsYoung Adult Ministry (RAYAC)Rev. Alan DawMen of Tanner Ministry, NBSG Leader, Men’s Bible Study Teacher, Executive MinisterRev. Stephanie DuncanDisabilities Ministry, Adult Church School TeacherRev. James Eddie Sr.Mental Health Team SupportRev. Terri EddieMental Health Team SupportRev. Kevin FloydCelebrate Recovery, Men’s Bible Study TeacherRev. Gordon V. Gordon IIMarried & Couples Ministry, Boy Scout MinistryRev. Nancy HamiltonWomen of Tanner Ministry, Family Counseling MinistryRev. Ralph HamiltonMen of Tanner Ministry, Men’s Bible Study TeacherRev. Crystal Harris, Sick and Shut In ListRev. Richard HolmesL.I.F.E. Application Church School Teacher, Cub Scout MinistryRev. Lincoln Jack, Associate MinisterRev. Rachelle JackL.I.F.E. Squad Church School TeacherRev. Charlesetta LeeEvangelism & Membership Ministry, Adult Class Church School Teacher, NBSG LeaderRev. Dr. Thomas Lewis*Family Life Counseling CenterRev. Angela MillerCo-Leader for Youth & Teen MinistryRev. E. Teresa Nelson, Retired Presiding ElderRev. Dr. Rosalind Polston, RetiredRev. Askia Stewart Jr.Health & Fitness MinistryRev. Dorothy ThomasIntercessory Prayer Ministry, Hospital & Visitation Ministry, NBSG LeaderRev. Sylvia TorreyTheological Discussion GroupRev. Pippa Hairston TurnerHealth & Fitness MinistryRev. Dr. Grisselle VelézLatino Ministry, NBSG LeaderRev. Minnie WharryMinister for the Commission on Evangelism & MembershipRev. Bettye Yeatman, Sick and Shut In ListRev. Ruth YoungCongregational Care MinisterRev. Jonathan Young-ScaggsOn Assignment in Stanford, CARev. Dr. Sakena Young-ScaggsPastoral Charge at Stanford University in Stanford, CARev. Dr. D. Charles Wharry, Retired Presiding Elder* Ordained Minister | ConsultantValerye Boyer-Wells, Kerwin Brown,Wendell Callaway, William Cameron,Dr. Linda Fulmore, Vernon Goode, David Hopkins, Amelia Hughes, Joy Louis, Theatis McKissack, Teresa Toney, Deborah Turnbo, Robert Young Jr.Stewards EmeritusCharles Jones, Earl Pettigrew, Bertha Solomonpage 10

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page 11page 10ANOINTED VESSELS DANCE MINISTRY | Jacqueline Jack, Rev. Rachelle JackBEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE | Ruth Louis, Rev. Ruth YoungCARE LEADER COUNCIL | Deanne AdamsCELEBRATE RECOVERY | Rev. Kevin FloydCHOIR DIRECTORS & PRESIDENTS | Cassandra Frierson, Adora Grifn, Roxanne Hutson, Ronald Moore, Rodger WellsCHURCH SCHOOL | Vernon & Zina GoodeCOMMISSIONS• Christian Education | Vernon Goode• Christian Social Action | Kerwin Brown• Membership & Evangelism | Joy Louis• Stewardship & Finance | Deborah TurnboCUB SCOUTS | Rev. Richard HolmesBOY SCOUTS | Rev. Gordon V. Gordon IIEXPERIENCE TANNER MINISTRY | Rev. Sylvia Bills, Ministry Leader | Koop Bills, Ashaya Stewart, Shnia Stewart - Visual TechniciansFOOD PANTRY | Dr. Toni Rodriguez, Delores RodriguezGIRL SCOUTS | Mercedes Williams, Diamond WilliamsGRADUATION SUNDAY TEAM | Joi Fletcher, Rev. Askia Stewart Jr.FITNESS MINISTRY | Rev. Pippa Hairston Turner, Sean ShiversHOSPITALITY | Renee Billups-JonesINTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY | Rev. Dorothy ThomasLATINO MINISTRY | Rev. Dr. Grisselle VelézLAY ORGANIZATION | Harold Mackey IIIMANNA – A MINISTRY OF HOPE | Dr. Toni RodriguezMARRIED & COUPLES MINISTRY | Rev. Gordon V. Gordon IIHEALTH & WELLNESS & MEDICAL TEAM MINISTRY | Tracy Dixon, Denise BurtonMEN OF TANNER MINISTRY | Rev. Alan Daw, Rev. Kevin Floyd, Rev. Ralph HamiltonMEN’S DAY 2025 TEAM | Rev. Alan Daw, Wendell CallawayMENTORSHIP PROGRAM | Dr. Michael LittleMUSIC MINISTRY | Dr. Jerome Garrison Sr.NEIGHBORHOOD BIBLE STUDY GROUPS | Rev. Sylvia Bills, Valerye Boyer-Wells, Loren Grizzard, Jennifer Jasper, Rev. Charlesetta Lee, Theatis McKissack, Rev. Dr. Grisselle Veléz, Dr. Toni Rodriguez, Rev. Dorothy Thomas, Rev. Dr. Benjamin N. Thomas Sr.PARKING LOT | Luther Patton Sr.PRISON MINISTRY | Melanie RichardsonSAFETY | SECURITY MINISTRY | Ronald MooreSENIOR MINISTRY | Rev. Deborah Austin SandersSOUND ROOM | Phyllis Rodriguez & Askia Stewart Sr.STEWARD BOARD | Robert Young Jr.STEWARDESS BOARD | Cora Duncan, Barbara CarrTHEOLOGICAL DISCUSSION GROUP | Rev. Sylvia TorreyTRUSTEE BOARD | L. C. DeMon CareyUSHER BOARD | Harold Mackey IIIVACATION BIBLE SCHOOL | Victoria GarrisonWOMEN OF TANNER MINISTRY | Rev. Nancy HamiltonWOMEN’S DAY 2024 TEAM | Alletta Callaway, Yvonne DunnWOMEN’S MISSIONARY SOCIETY | Donna FloydYOUNG ADULT MINISTRY (RAYAC) | Rev. Quantá CrewsYOUNG PEOPLE’S DEPARTMENT | Shnelle StewartYOUTH & TEEN MINISTRY | Rev. Angela Millerpage 11

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